Thursday, January 10, 2013


Life has been super busy with expecting our little Girl in February!! We are so excited and yes, I have been "nesting" and trying to get everything ready! I have enjoyed making a lot of the decorations for her nursery. It is a woodland theme complete with my favorite little hedgehogs, foxes, birds, deers, and owls! I love it, it is very peaceful in there. In case you haven't heard already, her name is Anna Jean Baskins and we will call her Anna.

Our pastor challenged us to start one thing this year and really devote ourselves to achieving that goal. Instead of making a list of things that will never get done, to chose one thing and pursue it. I know for me the area I have been lacking, is my reading time with the Lord. It's so easy to get carried away and I can tell in my life when I haven't been in the word. I feel different and I don't like that feeling! My 'one thing' is every morning, usually while I am eating breakfast, to read my bible. I on purpose leave my bible on the kitchen table because if it is there it is harder to ignore it. If I have to go find it, sad to say I might be to sleepy to get it!

I don't know why it is sometimes a struggle to take the first step and really dig into the word of God. It is always so encouraging, refreshing, and rejuvenating and yet as christians it is so easy to 'forget' our source. I know when Anna comes life will be in a different season and I will have to find when is the best time to read but I want to be established with a good habit before she graces us with her presence.

In my reading today I chewed on these words Luke 7:36-50. It is the story where Simon the Pharisee invites Jesus over to his house for dinner. A woman who is a known sinner comes to the house to wash Jesus' feet with her tears, dries them with her hair, and anoints them with fragrant oil. Simon and the others were disturbed that Jesus allowed this to happen. But what Jesus replies is amazing. (verse 41:42)
   "Which of them will love more?"

"Who will love more?" The one who is forgiven of much.

We have all sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. It doesn't mean that the worst sinner will love more but it is the one who realizes how great is the depth of their sin who will love more. Don't hold yourself up in such high esteem that you cover up your sin. Admit it and fall more in love with Jesus. Let His love overwhelm you with goodness and kindness, and mercy. Search Him out. Wash His feet with your tears, don't be afraid of looking stupid. It's not going to matter what others think in eternity only what God thinks.

I will admit my time in the word in 2012 wasn't what it should have been. I was wishy washy with it. I let the cares of this world get in my way. However, this year, 2013 is a different year. A new Year and I will be a person of "One Thing". What is your "One Thing"?   "Will you love more?"

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