I keep reading this verse over and over and you know what word keeps ringing in my ears? The word 'again'. This one word stands out to me because it means to fall back into something or to repeat. This word implies that at one time we were enslaved to fear. This happened due to the fall of man in the garden of Eden. We all know we are in a constant battle, as Ephesians 6:12 talks about, not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. There are two things at war, love and fear.
You see, when Jesus died on the cross, He took away everything that happened with the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Jesus fulfilled the Law and gave us His righteousness, He took our place. Yet we still find ourselves battling against fear. Fear tells us that we are not good enough, that God is mad at us, and that we are unworthy of love and of live. Fear keeps us quiet, it silences our voice, and can haunt and taunt. BUT We Are NO Longer under fear. We are adopted by love. We have LOVE on our side!
The Spirit of adoption tells us we are loved, accepted, pleasing to God. God chose you and wanted you. It's amazing to me every time I see a picture of what Jesus went through on the cross the scripture always come to my mind, "and for the Joy set before Him, He endured the cross." You give God joy as His daughter. You are His Joy! He did everything for you. I know that God doesn't want you enslaved to fear. He gave us a spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound mind not of fear.
He is your father, it doesn't matter what your past is or what line of heritage you came from, you have been adopted by love. When fear tries to overtake you, remember love. When fear tries to silence your voice about your Faith in God or about anything, remember Love. Remember how loved you are by your Abba, Father. There is freedom in Christ. Love has set us Free. I encourage you to Read Romans 8 and really ponder and meditate on what God is speaking to you.
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